Viagen DirectPCR® DNA Extraction System is a single-tube system forrapid preparation of DNA from mouse tails, ear pieces, yolk sac, andculture cells. The patent-pending components developed by scientists atViagen Biotech Inc. allow the resulting DNA extracts to be compatiblewith genomic PCR for genotyping. Crude extracts of biological samplesare not compatible with many molecular biology-grade reactions such aspolymerase chain reaction (PCR), in part due to inhibitors contained incrude extracts. The DirectPCR reagents not only mediate the rapid lysisof biological samples but also contain inhibitors that effectivelysuppress the inhibitory activities of crude lysates for PCRamplification, while maximally maintaining the integrity of releasedgenomic DNA. The patent-pending simple procedure completely eliminateany solution transfer or tube-opening steps, providing you withsubstancial extra time.
Brief procedure1. Lyse tails in DirectPCR® Lysis Reagent.2. Incubate for 45 min at 85°C.3. PCR genotyping with 1 µl lysates.
Detailed protocols: Tail, Ear, Yolk Sac, and Cultured cells.
DirectPCR® system offers advantages over conventional protocols that include:·Time saving:Less hands-on time. Crude tail lysates for PCR.·Money saving: Cost-effective reactions.·Safe: No organic reagents. ·Environmental: Lesswaste (organic reagents, tubes, tips, etc...) ·Reliable and efficient: Virtually 100% success rate with high yields.
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (ear)
401-E 25ml (250 ear pieces).
402-E 50ml (500 ear pieces).